বুধবার ০৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫
সম্পূর্ণ খবর
Porni Banerjee | ২৮ জুন ২০২৪ ১৩ : ৫৪Porni Banerjee
Bharti Airtel on Friday has announced a hike in its mobile tariffs – prepaid and postpaid –with effect from July 3 with an increase in recharge rates by 20 percent. The telecom service provider said that the revised prices are aimed at maintaining the mobile average revenue per user (ARPU) to ensure healthy financial business.
This will help Airtel provide better services to its customers with improved technology. The price hike is 70 paisa per day, keeping in mind the budget-conscious customers.
The latest announcement by Airtel comes hours after Reliance Jio has increased the prices of its recharge plans on Thursday. The increased rates will go into effect also from July 3.
Notably, 5G services will be available with plans offering 2GB/day or above after the prices are increased.
Here’s the detailed revised price of prepaid and postpaid plans:
Prepaid plans:
Rs 199 Plan: Previously Rs 179, includes 2GB data, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per - 28 days.
--Rs 509 Plan: Previously Rs 455, offers 6GB, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 84 days.
--Rs 1999 Plan: Previously Rs 1799, includes 24GB, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 365 days.
--Rs 299 Plan: Earlier Rs 265, includes 1GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 28 days.
--Rs 349 Plan: Previously Rs 299, includes 1.5GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 28 days.
--Rs 409 Plan: Earlier Rs 359, offers 2.5GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 28 days.
Rs 449 Plan: Previously Rs 399, includes 3GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 28 days.
--Rs 579 Plan: Earlier Rs 479, offers 1.5GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 56 days.
--Rs 649 Plan: Previously Rs 549, includes 2GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 56 days.
--Rs 859 Plan: Earlier Rs 719, offers 1.5GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 84 days.
--Rs 979 Plan: Previously Rs 839, includes 2GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 84 days.
--Rs 3599 Plan: Earlier Rs 2999, offers 2GB of data per day, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS per day for 365 days.
Data add-on plans:
Rs 22 Plan: Previously Rs 19, includes 1GB of additional data for 1 day.
--Rs 33 Plan: Earlier Rs 29, offers 2GB of additional data for 1 day.
--Rs 77 Plan: Previously Rs 65, includes 4GB of additional data for the validity of the base plan.
Postpaid plans:
Rs 449 Plan: Plan offers 40GB of data with rollover, unlimited calling, 100 SMS per day, and an Xstream Premium subscription.
--Rs 549 Plan: 75GB of data with rollover, unlimited calling, 100 SMS per day, Xstream Premium, Disney+Hotstar for 12 months, and Amazon Prime for 6 months.
--Rs 699 Plan: For families, 105GB of data with rollover, unlimited calling, 100 SMS per day, Xstream Premium, Disney+Hotstar for 12 months, Amazon Prime for 6 months, and Wynk Premium for 2 connections.
--Rs 999 Plan: For larger families, 190GB of data with rollover, unlimited calling, 100 SMS per day, Xstream Premium, Disney+Hotstar for 12 months, and Amazon Prime for 4 connections.
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